Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Introductions all around

Hi There, thanks for checking out my humble little blog.  Here's a little bit about who we are and what we're writing about...

My husband, D, and I met in July of 2004 and it's been a done deal ever since.  He caught my eye on a trip to Ireland.  While we were both there on our own accord to meet up with friends (our two best friends from high school who were participating in the same study abroad program hosted thru the same university) we ended up spending most of our time together.  And as if we hadn't seen enough of fates handy work we tested her once again.  Before leaving Ireland we didn't exchange numbers or email addresses, in fact, I didn't even know his last name.  But fate was not about to go to such lengths to get two people to meet just to let them go thru life with a distant memory of their time together.  Oh no, she made sure we met again. 

Two weeks after I returned home I decided to try and find this great guy that I'd met in Ireland (keep in mind, we only lived two hours apart back home in good ol' Wisconsin).   After striking out on how to find my guy, it hit me, a pure stroke of what I like to think of as my moment of genius (this, however, is probably were fate played her staring role.)  I decided to go to the university web page of the school that our best friends attend and do a search for his buddy.  Everyday I am grateful to his parents for giving him an unconventional name (not that there's anything wrong with the name Joe, Steve or Brian).  After doing it's thing the search popped out two possibilities and only 1 phone number.  Suffice to say, it was the right number and I am now married to the guy I never thought I'd see again.  

It's been 8 years of happiness, heartache and hard work but here we are.  We have a cat, lovingly named Fatty (pics to follow), a dog named Gertie (rotten as all HELL, just ask anyone), and two mortgages, one for the 103 year old house we live in and one for a 99 year old farm that we hope to move to someday.  

We're not rich by any means, nope, not even close but D is great at saving and while my real saving accomplishments are usually an introduction to my latest purchases, I try to help out from time to time.

So that's a little about who we are.  Now on to what this blog is really about. I decided to call the blog "Our Life in Dust" because that's really how life is most of the time.  We've taken a short break on tearing out plaster walls so it's been manageable as of late but that homeostasis is about to come crashing down on our heads as we  prepare to start demo-ing the kitchen.  

This blog is my attempt to keep our progress in some sort of chronological order.  It's also a way for our friends and family to keep tabs on what we're up to all the time and see the changes as they progress.  As it stands, I'm a little behind so I'm going to kick this party off right and start at the beginning.  So please, bear with me as I get up to blogging speed with all of our have-done's and to-do's.  

Thanks for reading!  I'll be posting pictures and more posts soon.


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